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Our Expertise

We train local, state, and federal officers from across the country on undercover and tactical operations.  Our overall approval rate from attendees is 4.86 out of 5.0 (97%).  We will bring our agency to your location and provide the host agency with two free slots in the class.
Basic Undercover Narcotics Tactics

40 hour course POST CERTIFIED

Search Warrants

Knock & Talks - Practical

U/C Narcotic Operations - Including U/C Robbery Videos

C/S Management - Practical

Current Case Laws

Targeting Problem Areas

Videoing Interviews / Interrogations

Surveillance -Practical

Controlled Delivery - Practical

Parcel / Train Interdiction

Advanced Undercover Narcotics Tactics & Agent Rescue

40 hour course  POST CERTIFIED

Attendees earn 24 hours Tactical training to include de-escalation techniques, crisis management, critical thinking, and social intelligence


Knock & Talk Investigations

Advanced Surveillance - Practical

Advanced U/C Narcotics Tactics - Practical

Reversals / Money Flash / Buy Bust / Conspiracy Investigations - Practical

Videos of agents deals going bad

Agent rescue - Practical exercises

Undercover Officer Survival

24 hour course

Review of cases involving officers being robbed / injured

Indicators of a robbery

Tactics for avoiding a robbery

Tactics to survive a robbery

Undercover agent rescue considerations

Options for carrying firearm while working undercover

Realistic practical exercises

24 hour course   POST Certified              Attendees earn 3 hours of Fair and impartial policing practices including implicit bias recognition as well as 1 mandated hour of training on racial profiling


Post Incident Procedures

Supervising - Street buys, buy busts, rip's, and buy walks

Current Methods of Transportation - Amtrak, Parcel interdiction

Operational planning

Search Warrants - Writing, planning, & execution

Goal Oriented Communication for Police

Current Case Law

Managing Narcotic Agents

Motivating Narcotic Agents

Knock & Talks

C/S Management

Handling OAF
Targeting Problem Areas

Evidence Handling

Training New Agents


Supervising Narcotics Units
Reducing the Risk for Narcotics Agents & Units

16 hour course

Recognizing and reacting to signs of trouble in personal or professional life

Case studies of troubled narcotics agents

Reducing the temptations during narcotics operations

Options for reducing the risk of narcotics operations

Attendees will analyze operations to determine safer options

Attendees will participate in case studies of recognizing and handling issues within unit

Advanced Undercover Narcotics Tactics

16 hour course

Advanced U/C Narcotics Tactics

Reversals / Money Flash / Buy Bust / Conspiracies

Case studies on narcotic investigations

Review of cases involving agents being robbed

Identifying / Avoiding / Surviving a robbery

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